Monday, February 14, 2011

______ of the week

On my brother's wiki, I like to update their sidebar with items of the week, which I will also post here. :) Here's this week's:

Allen Factoid of the Week: It is illegal to own a python of any species in the City of Allen. This includes common pet species such as Ball pythons. This law came after someone's large python ate a baby. Seriously.

Illegal Pet of the Week: Otters.

TV Show of the Week: Big Bang Theory. The similarities to people in my life were uncanny. Someone tell me it's not just me!

Article of the Week: An argument in the favor of those celebrating Singles Awareness Day today.

Website of the Week: 8tracks. Create your own or listen to other people's music mixes. (My personal favorite: Disney :D)

Holiday of the Week: Today (Monday Feb. 14th) Is Singles Awareness Day! Go buy yourself some candy for the designated commercial holiday coincidentally coinciding with this one, and cry yourself to sleep.

Cheap Nerd-friendly Date Idea of the Week: (I'm adding this section for those of you who ascribe either by choice or by necessity to Valentine's Day) Feed The Ducks! Go to Kroger (this can be accomplished by taking a leisurely stroll), Locate the manager's special bread wrack in the back left of the store, purchase a large quantity of bread for $1-2. Go to a park; Bethany Lakes is ideal. Feed Ducks. (This is surprisingly sweet, and it makes you look like you're sensitive and care for animals or something like that.) Total Cost: $1-2. Make it better: Take along a picnic (or buy food at kroger), plan ahead, go at sunset.

Advice of the Week: Some things that you may find yourself needing to know in the future.

Musical Group of the Week: Lady Antebellum. I was confused at first, as Lady Gaga is one person, but Lady Antebellum is a group of three, but whatever. Normally I just listen to oldies, but I watched the Grammy's Sunday night and was pleasantly surprised by how much I liked their music.

<3 Ladybug

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