Monday, May 9, 2011
Summer, here I come!
I'm already packing my stuff for camp, and it's almost a month until I leave... I have a full box of "magical granola bars of cold cuts banishment", an overflowing "good deed treasure box", although I just now decided that the treasure box needs a good coat of gold spray paint and plenty of rhinestones. I'll get on that tomorrow :). I bought plenty of popsicles to use as icepacks, but I need to replenish my stock of "magical homesickness and tummy-ache curing animal cookies". I also stocked up on Christmas decorations when they went on sale so that we can have the best Christmas in July ever. For now, I'm just relaxing and counting down the days until camp...
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Rest in Peace Austin Robinson.
<3 Sarah
Monday, February 14, 2011
______ of the week
Allen Factoid of the Week: It is illegal to own a python of any species in the City of Allen. This includes common pet species such as Ball pythons. This law came after someone's large python ate a baby. Seriously.
Illegal Pet of the Week: Otters.
TV Show of the Week: Big Bang Theory. The similarities to people in my life were uncanny. Someone tell me it's not just me!
Article of the Week: An argument in the favor of those celebrating Singles Awareness Day today.
Website of the Week: 8tracks. Create your own or listen to other people's music mixes. (My personal favorite: Disney :D)
Holiday of the Week: Today (Monday Feb. 14th) Is Singles Awareness Day! Go buy yourself some candy for the designated commercial holiday coincidentally coinciding with this one, and cry yourself to sleep.
Cheap Nerd-friendly Date Idea of the Week: (I'm adding this section for those of you who ascribe either by choice or by necessity to Valentine's Day) Feed The Ducks! Go to Kroger (this can be accomplished by taking a leisurely stroll), Locate the manager's special bread wrack in the back left of the store, purchase a large quantity of bread for $1-2. Go to a park; Bethany Lakes is ideal. Feed Ducks. (This is surprisingly sweet, and it makes you look like you're sensitive and care for animals or something like that.) Total Cost: $1-2. Make it better: Take along a picnic (or buy food at kroger), plan ahead, go at sunset.
Advice of the Week: Some things that you may find yourself needing to know in the future.
Musical Group of the Week: Lady Antebellum. I was confused at first, as Lady Gaga is one person, but Lady Antebellum is a group of three, but whatever. Normally I just listen to oldies, but I watched the Grammy's Sunday night and was pleasantly surprised by how much I liked their music.<3 Ladybug
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Ugh, Chemistry...
I'm kinda halfway watching the Grammy's, which is interesting. I listen to a lot of oldies and don't really follow most modern stuff, so I've been a little confused. Lady Gaga is 1 person, but Lady Antebellum is 3? Huh? Whatever. I've actually been pleasantly surprised though, I haven't really heard anything so far that I don't really like, although Katy Perry just came on, so... Love her dress, so there's my nice thing to say.
I spent some time earlier wasting time on stumbleupon, and I saw some pages of funny test answers given by people who clearly didn't know the answers. The one I'll probably wind up using Tuesday is to answer "Because god made it that way" To questions about why things behave a certain way. I'm a Christian, can I get away with that on the grounds of religious belief? And with that thought, I guess I better go start studying. Later!
<3 Ladybug
Sunday, February 6, 2011
And so it begins.
Don't know if anyone will actually read this, or even if I'll actually keep it going longer that a few weeks, but hey, why not.
A little about me: I'm a college student, I work as a summer camp counselor, I'm musical, crafty, and have ADD. The rest will come out along the way I suppose. Welcome!
<3 Ladybug